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Discomfort is the Currency of Your Dreams

Updated: Mar 10, 2021

Life is always going to have challenges and there will always be discomfort.

Which kind of discomfort do you choose?

I had this dream recently.

And it really had me contemplating the notion that in our life, we have challenges and discomfort no matter what. However, with growth/evolution there is a certain kind of discomfort that's also rewarding. How can we get more comfortable with the discomfort of change/growth when we follow our calling or reach for our dreams or try something new?

"The currency of our dreams is discomfort"

In my dream:

I was with a bunch of people that I loved and felt connected to, although I didn't really know them. I got the sense we were going on a trip together, like a retreat or a conference. We were in a roller coaster type vehicle but it was futuristic and nothing like this currently exists in our reality right now (The Jetson's, lol).

We took off through a portal to another dimension and I was nervous, but excited. We landed in the middle of this huge, gorgeous green grassy meadow, with a circle of large trees all around. There was a waterfall in the distance, and it really felt like paradise.

But then I saw people unrolling their sleeping bags and getting out their tents and pillows. I was confused, because I thought we were staying in plush lodging with comfy beds, a hot tub, and dining. A person from the group said "Oh no, we are camping here".

I was so taken off guard and frustrated that I was not going to be staying in the comfort of a hotel or cabin, never mind that I didn't come prepared and was not even going to have my own shelter, or the comfort of a sleeping bag or pillow.

Message I gleaned from this dream:

When we do anything new. When we accept the call and follow our inner knowing. When we evolve, grow, change, We are not going to be comfortable. Can we learn to be comfortable with discomfort?

The question becomes:

Which discomfort would you rather experience?

The kind where you live an unfulfilled and mediocre life that feels "comfortable" on the surface, but deep down you are out of alignment or dying inside. The kind of discomfort of not going for your dreams or dealing with your emotions, and the discomfort of not doing the things you really desire?


Are you willing to embrace the kind of discomfort that comes from trying new things, following your dreams, and changing/evolving/growing?

Which type of discomfort do you choose?

What are you willing to be uncomfortable for in your life because you want it so bad?


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